Friday, July 06, 2007

Happy birthday to me

I turned 40 this morning, and of course, what with the closing of Q+A last week and a few other things on my plate, I totally forgot to organise anything special for my birthday. Instead, my mum is catching the train down from the country to take me out to dinner tonight. Whoooo, wild and crazy times!

Oh well, there's always next year...


LadyCracker said...

Many happy returns darling x

Alison Croggon said...

Happy birthday, Richard! Turning 40 (I say from the hale old age of 44) was just the best. Here's to a fab decade!

Unknown said...

Have a lovely day, ya old bugger.

FireHorse said...

It gets better mate. Enjoy your day. Are you doing anything to treat yourself and I don't mean catching up with others?


Mel said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICHARD! Hope it's a wonderful day for you.

You will have to change your blog subtitle now...

richardwatts said...

Mel - consider it done.

Thank youse all!!!!

Anonymous said...

According to this nifty lil' website (that tells you what song was the #1 hit the day you were born)#

Your birthday song is "Windy" by The Association

Have a great day

Michael... said...

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday and thanks for running Q&A... it will be missed.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICHARD! I hope you and your mum have a wonderful night!

Hip hip Whoray!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday babe. xoxo

Anonymous said...

happy burpday richard
may you live to be 100
and may you not die of old age
may you die by being killed
and may your killer kill you out of jealousy


Casey Bennetto said...

Happy bir-thday to youuuuuuuu...
Happy bir-thday to youuuuuuuu...
Happy birrrr-thdaaaay dear Riiiichard
Happy bir-thday to youuuuuuuu!

Anonymous said...

Happy B'day.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday Richard! Hope you had a good one ;)

m. said...

belated happy birthday richard :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday for yesterday, Richard!

D said...

Happy Birthday and best wishes! x

Helga Koch said...

OMG. Shut up. It is Not your birthday. It is also my birthday. Which I may have discussed with you giddily in mid of art gallery hell. But I am TOTALLY a July 6 child as well. Isn't it vile when you determine to have a bad day and many decent people wish you well. It quite ruined my malignant sadness.

sublime-ation said...

sorry, late, but better than never...Happy Birthday Mr Watts.